Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Subscribe To Your Blog Notifications?
Upon visiting the site you should see a popup notification asking if you would like to subscribe to push notifications.
Select Yes Or No. If you don’t see the push notification clear your browsers cache.
I Want To Start A Blog Is It Expensive?
There are free platforms to host your blog such as Wix and Weebly but, if you are serious about wanting to build an income from your blog, then I strongly recommend hosting your site through a paid hosting company.
With a paid hosting company you have:
- the freedom to add whatever plugins and design you need free services are limiting.
- Find a good hosting company the cheap ones don’t always provide good service or fast website.
- Having your website load up in 3-8 secs is crucial to whether your vistors stay or leave.
How Do I Get Started Blogging?
The process I would recommend to follow to get started is to:
- Choose Your Domain Name
- Choose Which Niche Your Want To Blog About. (fashion, clean eating, parenting etc…)
- Find A Hosting Company
- If Using WordPress Choose a WordPress Template.
- Begin Blogging.
How Do I Get Traffic To My Blog?
You will have to market your blog to drive traffic to your website.
1. Tell Your Friends & Family Members To Share Your Content.
2. Create A Facebook Business Page and Go Live and Tell your followers About Your Blog.
3. Create Pinterest Pins About Your Blog Post Topics That Link Back To Your Website.
4. Create A Youtube Channel Or Podcast and Talk About Your Latest Blog Post.
How Do You Find Topics To Blog About?
I listen to what my followers are saying:
1. What they are unclear about
2. What questions they continue to ask
3. What they are searching for
4. What I am passionate about
5. The lessons I’ve learned through trial and error.
How Can I Optimize My Blog For SEO?
1. Do keyword research with tools like ubbersuggest
2. Write content that solves your followers problems.
3. Use keywords in your title and in your content (don’t over do it, your keywords should be placed as if you are having a normal conversation) Keyword stuffing is frowned upon by Google and you can get penalized for it.
4. Guest Post (write blogs for other creatives or entrepreneurs that links back to your site.
Who Designed Your Website?
I designed my website using the Divi Theme Builder.
What Is Your RSS Feed?
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