
In todays Blog-cast is all about mastering your mindset. As a solo-preneur it’s of great importance to think as the CEO of your business. Their are mindset shifts that need to happen as you venture into entrepreneurship. There were many mistakes I made as I transitioned into a for profit business.

For one social media, trying to manage to many accounts instead of mastering one of them. The second mistake was following what everyone else was doing, and not studying my business and knowing my numbers and the data behind them.

Staying in or creating groups that are not growing your business, when I made the decision to remove myself from all that was not serving me or my business, it brought me into a different mindset of what works for me and who needs what I have to offer.

I hope you can glean some key tools that will help you in your business.



[ctt template=”3″ link=”7352H” via=”yes” ]Insanity is knowing when something’s not working but doing not to change it. [/ctt]

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